OEM Certifications
- OEM certification is training provided by the Original Equipment Manufacturers to repair vehicles the way the engineers that designed and built your vehicle have designated. Quality repair shops must undergo manufacturer training to repair vehicles to OEM specifications. However, it’s an investment, and most shops haven’t made the investment.
- Most car owners aren’t aware there is a “right way” and a “cheap way” to fix cars. Both methods may sound correct, but only one of them prioritizes your safety.
- There are no laws requiring shops to follow OEM-repair guidelines; this is an important distinction to make when choosing a repair facility.
- It’s up to you to choose a qualified, high-quality repair facility. Your insurance company will likely prefer the cheapest shops that use cheap, knock-off parts on its “preferred network” to save money for the insurance company. However, by law, you have the right to choose where your vehicle is repaired. CHOOSE WISELY.
You have the right to choose where your vehicle is repaired per Washington Law.
While insurance companies might suggest, or even tell you that you must bring your car to their “preferred shop” for repairs, you can choose any shop you want by law! If an insurance adjuster is pushing you to use “their network shop," it's because the insurance adjuster's bonuses and raises are based on selling their own shops so they make more money on your claim. Why should you choose Haury's above an insurance preferred shop?